VC Vision News

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News Embedded Vision

Vision Components at CVPR 2024: Our trade fair highlights

stereo camera with hardware accelerator VC Power SoM

VC MIPI® Cameras with GMSL2 for cable lengths of up to 10 meters

MIPI cameras with GMSL2 interface

Vision Components at embedded world exhibition: Embedded Vision from the camera to image processing with FPGAs

Embedded Vision - image processing with FPGAs

Workshop by Vision Components and Efinix: FPGA Programming for Embedded Vision

Workshop FPGA-Programmierung - Vision Components und Efinix

Vision Components at LogiMAT:
New Cameras and Vision Systems for Intralogistics

MIPI Kameramodul with Sony IMX900 image sensor

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Hands-on Workshop: FPGA Programming for Embedded Vision


9:30 – 17:00 Uhr

Ettlingen near Karlsruhe

149 € per participation

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